Olyvar With No Fucking Last NameOlyvarOlyvar is the local gay playboy turned traitor. His long fucking list of people he fucked includes Oberyn Martell and, more recently, Loras Tyrell. He told the High Sparrow about said fucking, though, so now Loras and Margaeeaaearaey are in church jail. We might have had an easier time remembering Olyvar if he didn’t A) have the same name as someone else in the show just spelled differently, and B) have the same fucking hair/complexion/face as every Lannister in King’s Landing.

This Is A Fucking Human Named AnguyAnguyI literally had to look at the JPG file name on this photo to even remember who the fuck this fucker was. His name is allegedly Anguy, and I’m almost too over it to make a pun about how he makes me anguy. Almost. He is also in the Brotherhood Without Banners – who are all in the fucking Witness Protection Program, as far as I’m concerned – and failed to find Arya when she was captured by The Hound way the fuck back. We may never see him again. If only he could unoccupy those brain cells.

Ser Fucking Ilyn PayneIlyn PayneTongueless Ser Ilyn Payne is on Arya’s list, and also may as well be any other fucking bald man on this TV show. He’s the one who killed Ned Stark, and also looks like the actual head of a penis. We haven’t seen him since season four despite the fact that he ostensibly still works for Cersei, so I’m led to believe he’s either on the boat with Gendry, or stalking around in the crypts. I hope Arya gets to cross him off her list via murder, but I’m honestly not entirely sure I’d even know if she fucking killed him.

The Fucking White Walker BabyBaby White WalkerThis little fucking white walker baby…what the fuck happened to it? We’re 100% positive that baby Sam/Gilly/Crastor’s cousin has gone to the frozen side, but we have no idea where it is now. Is it an ice baby forever? Because that seems pretty fucking useless. Does it grow up to be an ice child? Does it age like fucking Leaf and become an ice adult in like 3.897 seconds? I have no fucking idea but it seems like a fucking question worth answering.

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