Beric Dondarrion is resident heartthrob of the Brotherhood Without Banners. We haven’t seen him since season three, and yet as of now he’s the most magical fucking human in all the land because he’s been brought back to life eight times, making the score Jesus: 1, Beric: 8. Bad at fighting, good at dying. Apparently his eye didn’t heal quite as well as that time his entire fucking head got cut off. For some reason Melisandre thought his repeated resurrection was underwhelming compared to Stannis’ ability to scowl at the ocean, and left him alone. She’s also all like “I have no idea if it’s possible to bring Jon Snow back from the dead ¯\\_(ă)_/ÂŻ” despite having seen it happen to Beric Dondarrion. Guess memory fades after 3 seasons/300 years.
\nThis Is Fucking Lollys StokeworthLollys is a useless character/human being who is married to Bronn. Don’t waste your brainpower trying to figure out why she is at all relevant to this story.
Here’s Fucking Meera ReedAhh, Meera. The Ann Veal of Westeros. For at least three seasons every time she got screen time I asked aloud, “who/her/egg?” This picture is the most she has smiled, ever. Enjoys killing rabbits, hates levity. She hangs out with Bran and pouts at the snow and is not about that mutual female empowerment lifestyle. We’re almost positive she’s going to end up being a Targaryen/Jon Snow’s long lost twin sister though, which is basically the only theory that explains why she’s still fucking kicking around. That happy little family reunion is going to have even more self-pity and even less smiling than mine.
That’s Fucking Thoros Of Fucking MyrNot to be confused with “myrrh,” another thing you know nothing about. Thoros was basically a hack until he magically became magical and found a bunch of magical friends. Now his entire job description is “wait for your friend Beric to challenge some asshole to a duel, wait for him to die, bring him back to life.” Despite the literally nine thousand people who are more important than Beric that have died, the man crush is strong with this one, and he has tried to resuscitate approximately zero other people besides his BFF. Sorry Rob Stark. Shoulda picked better friends.
\nRickon StarkYou probably forgot all fucking about Rickon Stark. Youngest Stark/Feral Child, Rickon has been OOO for three entire seasons, and we’re shocked the kid who plays Tommen isn’t playing him too by now. Having been on the LAM with Osha (who would have made this list if we didn’t love Tonks so much), he is unceremoniously returned to Hannibal Lecter/Emperor Palpetine/Ramsay Bolton. Apparently the producers locked him and Bran in a basement until they could finish up puberty, but we’re not optimistic about his fate.
Another Fucking Greyjoy, Specifically Euron, Apparently…I Had To Google It.I have to keep myself from groaning aloud every time we return to the fucking Iron Islands. I actively root for their deaths. If it weren’t for Yara, I would probably fast forward through these scenes. And now there’s another fucking one of them. We don’t know much about him yet but if we had to guess, we’d wager his favorite pastimes include soaking himself in the ocean, soaking himself in the rain, and dying/never dying, as the stupid fucking saying goes.
Gendry. Fucking Gendry.You may remember this Baratheon bastard from season three, at which point he got into a rowboat, and is still fucking rowing, I guess. Despite ostensibly being a hugely important character (he’s now the only human left with Baratheon blood), he’s still off on a gap year adventure / sailing regatta right now. He’s either chilling with the Drowned God, being confused for Podrick because they look exactly the fucking same, or rowing his way to complete obsolescence.
That’s Fucking Mace TyrellLiving ball of Playdoh Mace Tyrell is father to Margaeeaaearaey and Loras. He spends his days sitting on the small council and being emasculated by his mother. He could legitimately be confused with a fucking decorative curtain, so don’t feel bad if you feel like you’ve never seen this fucker before. Has poor decision making skills. Is rich.
\nOlyvar With No Fucking Last NameOlyvar is the local gay playboy turned traitor. His long fucking list of people he fucked includes Oberyn Martell and, more recently, Loras Tyrell. He told the High Sparrow about said fucking, though, so now Loras and Margaeeaaearaey are in church jail. We might have had an easier time remembering Olyvar if he didn’t A) have the same name as someone else in the show just spelled differently, and B) have the same fucking hair/complexion/face as every Lannister in King’s Landing.
This Is A Fucking Human Named AnguyI literally had to look at the JPG file name on this photo to even remember who the fuck this fucker was. His name is allegedly Anguy, and I’m almost too over it to make a pun about how he makes me anguy. Almost. He is also in the Brotherhood Without Banners – who are all in the fucking Witness Protection Program, as far as I’m concerned – and failed to find Arya when she was captured by The Hound way the fuck back. We may never see him again. If only he could unoccupy those brain cells.
Ser Fucking Ilyn PayneTongueless Ser Ilyn Payne is on Arya’s list, and also may as well be any other fucking bald man on this TV show. He’s the one who killed Ned Stark, and also looks like the actual head of a penis. We haven’t seen him since season four despite the fact that he ostensibly still works for Cersei, so I’m led to believe he’s either on the boat with Gendry, or stalking around in the crypts. I hope Arya gets to cross him off her list via murder, but I’m honestly not entirely sure I’d even know if she fucking killed him.
The Fucking White Walker BabyThis little fucking white walker baby…what the fuck happened to it? We’re 100% positive that baby Sam/Gilly/Crastor’s cousin has gone to the frozen side, but we have no idea where it is now. Is it an ice baby forever? Because that seems pretty fucking useless. Does it grow up to be an ice child? Does it age like fucking Leaf and become an ice adult in like 3.897 seconds? I have no fucking idea but it seems like a fucking question worth answering.