Weโ€™ve seen him all over the place, Scumbag Steve. But Scumbag Steve is more than just one person, but an idea, a total persona, the very marrow of all that is wrong with the world. And so it was decided that there is not only one Scumbag Steve, but millions, perhaps billions across the world. Here are some of our favorite Scumbaggy Scumbags:

Scumbag Mubarek

Scumbag Mubarek President

Scumbag President Mubarek Borrows Internet

Scumbag Fredo

Scumbag Fredo

Scumbag CNN

Scumbag CNN

Scumbag Obama

Scumbag Obama Patriot Act

Scumbag Obama Lying Promises

Scumbag Oxygen

Scumbag Oxygen

Scumbag Windows Printing

Scumbag Windows Printing

Scumbag Scott Walker (Wisconsin Republican Governor)

Scumbag Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Scumbag Professor from Futurama

Scumbag Futurama Professor

And of course, the penultimate meta Scumbag Steve

Meta Scumbag Steve
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