Ah, luddites. Vegas-style solitaire is the sweet, technological promise of the 21st century and a laminated print-out of the Minesweeper โ€œHelpโ€ section is scrupulously taped to their computer desk should they ever seek troubleshooting advice. If you tell them thereโ€™s a problem with their mouse, they ask you why youโ€™d dare insinuate that they have pest problems in their home. Just add some feathers, and bask in the technological incompetence of the Tech-Impaired Duck meme:

Tech Impaired Duck Meme Windows

Tech-Impaired Duck Meme Nigerian Prince

Tech Impaired Duck Meme Trojan

Tech Impaired Duck Meme Skype

Tech Impaired Duck Meme Repair

Tech Impaired Duck Meme UpVote

Tech-Impaired Duck Meme Captions

Tech-Impaired Duck Meme Myspace

Tech Impaired Duck Meme Links

Tech Impaired Duck Meme Google

Tech Impaired Duck Meme Fit

Tech Impaired Duck Meme Computer

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