Tan as a guido and gripping as a non-stick pan, Mitt Romneyโ€™s ability to relate is probably the only thing he has going for him. After all, he has the same number of elevators in his home as the Days Inn you stayed at during Spring Break. Thatโ€™s something, right?! The hilarious Relatable Romney meme:

Relatable Romney Home Ownership

Relatable Romney Corporations

Relatable Mitt Romney Finance

Relatable Mitt Romney Feminism

Relatable Mitt Romney Food

Relatable Mitt Romney Common Man

Relatable Mitt Romney Meme Jeffersons

Mitt Romney On Jobs

Relatable Romney Meme Change

Relatable Mitt Romney Meme Minority

Mitt Romney On Unemployment

Romney Is Uninsured

Relatable Mitt Romney Meme Yacht

Images above via QuickMeme and ZipMeme.

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