A kidney sells for as much as $200,000 on the black market. And eyeballs? Those can cost more than $1,500 a pop! So how much are you really worth? Take this quiz to find out, we promise we arenโ€™t selling this information to black market organ smuggling cartels:

  1. What's Your Hair Like?

    What's Your Hair Like?
  2. How Attached Are You To Your Bone Marrow?

    How Attached Are You To Your Bone Marrow?
  3. Do You Like To Party?

    Do You Like To Party?
  4. Got Any Extra Skin?

    Got Any Extra Skin?
  5. Would You Be Willing To Part With Just One Kidney?

    Would You Be Willing To Part With Just One Kidney?
  6. Would You Consider Being A Surrogate?

    Would You Consider Being A Surrogate?
  7. Can We Have Some Eggs?

    Can We Have Some Eggs?
  8. How Much Blood Can We Take?

    How Much Blood Can We Take?
  9. Do You Really Need Two Arms?

    Do You Really Need Two Arms?
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