When historians write about the progress of the twentieth century, one technological development will certainly stick out: roller coaster photographs. Yes, ever since roller coaster pictures have been implemented, we have been able to laugh day and night at the hilarious and ridiculous faces that people make when they feel like they are about to meet their certain doom. And so we present the thirty funniest roller coaster pictures of all time:

Each Face Is A New Treasure

Funniest Roller Coaster Pictures

Funniest Roller Coaster Pictures: The Literal Raging Bull

Boxing On A Roller Coaster

The Face Of Sheer Terror

Sheer Terror Funny Roller Coaster Picture

The Clown Is Not Amused

Roller Coaster Pictures

The Legend Of The Six Flags Monster

Funniest Roller Coaster Monster

At Their Most Beautiful

Funniest Roller Coaster Faces

Amusement Park Rides Like A Boss

Roller Coaster Like A Boss

A Kids First Lesson In Unadulterated Terror

Funniest Roller Coaster Pictures Terrified

Cheeseburger Time

Funniest Roller Coaster Pictures Cheeseburger

Funniest Roller Coaster Pictures: Triumph

Hilarious Roller Coaster Pictures

Scared Bacon Strips

Enjoying Bacon On A Theme Park Ride

Editorโ€™s note: is that the greatest t-shirt ever?

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