25. The shark from Jaws has made some really exciting career changes this year.
Scuba Attackers

26. Their in-laws do NOT get along but they’re working it out.
Sex Doll Google Maps

27. Google street view and gravity are a match made in heaven.
Skateboard Fail

28. “Jim…now, this might sound insane but bear with me…did we have 7 tigers when we locked up last night, or 6? Because I could have SWORN it was 7.”
Tiger Parking Lot

29. Little known fact: this man provided the real life inspiration for Oscar the Grouch.
Trash Can Man

30. Honest businesswomen on a work retreat.
Underwear Girls

Thanks to Viral Nova, LifeBuzz, and Hack Read for some of the images above.

Like these absurd Google Street View pictures? Then check out photos that could only happen at walmart, and 31 photos of the moment before disaster struck!

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